加拿大养恤基金面临对天然气管道进行大规模投资的风险,因为转用可再生能源可能会使它们过时。 Canadian pension funds face risks with massive investments in gas pipelines, as shift to renewables may render them obsolete.
气候倡导小组的报告强调指出,9个大型加拿大养老基金已投资数十亿加元投资于天然气公司,在全球经营将近35万公里的输油管。 A climate advocacy group's report highlights that nine large Canadian pension funds have invested billions in gas companies operating nearly 350,000 km of pipelines globally. 虽然养老金在氢气中具有减少排放的潜力,但专家认为,由于基础设施方面的挑战和可再生能源的成本效益,这具有风险。 While the pensions see potential in hydrogen for reducing emissions, experts argue this is risky due to infrastructure challenges and the cost-effectiveness of renewable energy. 随着改用清洁电力减少煤气的使用,这些投资可能成为搁浅的资产,造成金融和环境风险。 With the shift to clean electricity decreasing gas usage, these investments could become stranded assets, posing financial and environmental risks.