贝尔维尤警察在嫌疑人抢劫老年妇女、威胁青少年、相关事件后寻求帮助。 Bellevue police seek help after suspects rob elderly woman, threaten teens; incidents linked.
在两起涉及同一嫌疑人的事件之后,贝尔维尤警察正在寻求帮助:一名72岁的妇女遭到抢劫和袭击,一群青少年受到武器威胁。 Bellevue police are seeking help after two incidents involving the same suspects: a 72-year-old woman was robbed and assaulted, and a group of teens were threatened with a weapon. 嫌犯被描述为轿车中的青年男子,据信参与这两起事件。 The suspects, described as young men in a sedan, are believed to be involved in both incidents. 警方敦促居民保持警惕,并向当局报告任何信息。 Police urge residents to stay vigilant and report any information to authorities.