Findlay警方在对艾利斯大道的人质事件做出反应后 寻找一名失踪妇女 Findlay police search for a missing woman after responding to a hostage situation on Ellis Avenue.
1月10日, 俄亥俄州Findlay警方回应关于Ellis大道一处住宅遭攻击和人质事件的报告。 On January 10, Findlay Police in Ohio responded to reports of an assault and hostage situation at a residence on Ellis Avenue. 在最初试图与屋内任何人联系失败之后,签发了逮捕令,警察进入了屋内。 After initial failed attempts to contact anyone inside, a warrant was issued and the police entered the house. 两名男性自愿离开,第三人被发现在里面,但女性受害者下落不明。 Two males left voluntarily, and a third was found inside, but the female victim could not be located. 调查一直持续到她被找到并接受采访为止。 The investigation continues until she is found and interviewed.