澳大利亚在稀土矿上投资2亿澳元, 以减少对中国的依赖, 创造600个工作机会。 Australia invests $200M in a rare earths mine to reduce reliance on China, creating 600 jobs.
澳大利亚政府正投资2亿美元在北部地区的一个稀土矿和炼油厂项目,以减少对中国的依赖。 The Australian government is investing $200 million in a rare earths mine and refinery project in the Northern Territory to reduce dependence on China. 该项目是国家重建基金公司的最大投资,一旦投入运行,将创造约600个建筑工作岗位和350个持续工作岗位。 This project, the largest investment by the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation, will create around 600 construction jobs and 350 ongoing jobs once operational. 该矿的年产量为4,440吨,到2032年约占全球需求的4%。 The mine aims to produce 4,440 tonnes annually, accounting for about 4% of global demand by 2032. 稀土对于制造用于风力涡轮机、电动车辆和国防设备的磁铁至关重要。 Rare earths are crucial for manufacturing magnets used in wind turbines, electric vehicles, and defense equipment.