巴西首个稀土矿山塞拉维德(Serra Verde)开始商业化生产,挑战中国的主导地位。 Brazil's first rare earth mine, Serra Verde, begins commercial production to challenge China's dominance.
巴西拥有世界第三大稀土储量,目前正在发展自己的稀土产业,以挑战中国在供应链中的主导地位。 Brazil, with the world's third-largest rare earth reserves, is developing its own rare earths industry to challenge China's dominance in the supply chain. 该国首个矿山 Serra Verde 今年开始商业化生产,受益于低廉的劳动力成本、清洁能源、完善的法规以及靠近终端市场等因素。 The country's first mine, Serra Verde, began commercial production this year and benefits from low labor costs, clean energy, established regulations, and proximity to end markets. 然而,稀土价格低、技术挑战和资金问题对巴西在西方政府支持下成为世界最大稀土生产国的雄心构成了障碍。 However, low rare earth prices, technical challenges, and funding issues pose obstacles to Brazil's ambition to become a top rare earths producer, supported by Western governments.