David Johnson被控纵火烧他的妻子,在乌干达被捕,被引渡到纽约接受指控。 Accused of setting his wife on fire, David Johnson captured in Uganda, extradited to face charges in NY.
David Johnson是50岁的罗切斯特男子, 被控于2019年放火烧妻子, 在乌干达被抓获, 并被引渡到美国, David Johnson, a 50-year-old Rochester man accused of setting his wife on fire in 2019, was captured in Uganda and extradited to the U.S. Johnson is facing charges of attempted murder, assault, and arson. 他于2024年以假名逃往乌干达,并于11月29日在那里被捕。 He fled to Uganda in 2024 under an alias and was arrested there on November 29. 他现在正在门罗县监狱等待审判,没有保释。 He now awaits trial in Monroe County Jail without bail.