芝加哥小熊队名人堂成员莱恩·桑德伯格在宣布诊断出患有转移性前列腺癌后开始接受治疗。 Chicago Cubs Hall of Famer Ryne Sandberg has started treatment after announcing his diagnosis of metastatic prostate cancer.
一名男子在 1991 年被指控刺死分居的妻子后逃离该国,现已被捕并返回美国面临谋杀指控。 A man who fled the country after being charged with the fatal stabbing of his estranged wife in 1991 has been arrested and returned to the US to face murder charges. 何塞·拉扎罗·克鲁兹被指控在西福尔斯彻奇谋杀妻子安娜·胡拉多,案发后逃往萨尔瓦多。 Jose Lazaro Cruz, who was charged with the murder of his wife Ana Jurado in West Falls Church, fled to El Salvador after the crime. 他于 2022 年试图进入哥斯达黎加时被捕,现已被引渡回美国。 He was arrested in 2022 when he attempted to enter Costa Rica, and he has now been extradited back to the US.