逃脱的罪犯大卫约翰逊在对被盗丰田 Hilux 进行了为期十天的追捕后被捕。 Escaped convict David Johnson caught after ten-day manhunt for stolen Toyota Hilux.
David Johnson是一名44岁的惯犯,在从南海岸最低安全监狱越狱后,在经过10天的搜查后被抓获。 David Johnson, a 44-year-old repeat escapee, was caught after a ten-day search following his escape from a South Coast minimum security jail. 据称,他偷了一辆银色丰田豪客车,在澳大利亚首都直辖区被捕。 He allegedly stole a silver Toyota Hilux and was arrested in the ACT. Johnson因逃脱羁押和偷窃而面临指控。 Johnson faces charges for escaping custody and stealing. 他的案件被休庭,以便检察长能够复审该案,他的原刑期定于2026年7月结束。 His case was adjourned to allow the Director of Public Prosecutions to review the case, with his original sentence due to end in July 2026.