威斯康星州最高法院竞选看到共和党人布拉德·希梅尔 (Brad Schimel) 发起了 $1.1M 广告活动,以取代苏珊·克劳福德 (Susan Crawford)。 Wisconsin Supreme Court race sees Republican Brad Schimel launch $1.1M ad campaign to unseat Susan Crawford.
在威斯康辛州最高法院的竞选中, 共和党候选人布拉德·希梅尔(Brad Schimel)发起了110万美元的电视广告活动, 挑战现任苏珊·克劳福德(Susan Crawford), 目的是重新获得保守对州最高法院的控制。 In the Wisconsin Supreme Court race, Republican candidate Brad Schimel has launched a $1.1 million TV ad campaign to challenge incumbent Susan Crawford, aiming to regain conservative control of the state's highest court. 如果Schimel获胜, 保守派将收回2023年失去的多数, 影响堕胎及公共部门工会权利等问题。 If Schimel wins, conservatives will reclaim the majority they lost in 2023, affecting issues like abortion access and public sector union rights. 选举定于4月1日举行,预计将超过2023年的5 100万美元支出记录,外部团体的支出可能高于候选人。 The election, set for April 1, is expected to surpass the $51 million spending record from 2023, with outside groups likely to spend more than the candidates.