威斯康星州最高法院候选人面临以有博士学位的广告形象违反州法的指控。 Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate faces claims of violating state law with doctored ad image.
在威斯康辛州最高法院的竞选中, 保守派候选人布拉德·施密尔(Brad Schimel)出钱的新广告展示了他的自由派对手苏珊·克劳福德(Susan Crawford)的博士形象, 可能违反最近的州法律, In Wisconsin's Supreme Court race, a new ad paid for by conservative candidate Brad Schimel features a doctored image of his liberal opponent, Susan Crawford, potentially violating a recent state law requiring disclosure if AI is used in political ads. Crawford的竞选活动声称 图像操纵违反了法律 而Schimel的团队坚持认为它只是编辑的 Crawford's campaign claims the image manipulation breaches this law, while Schimel's team insists it was merely edited. 这场竞赛对于决定威斯康星州最高法院未来政治倾向至关重要。 The race is crucial for determining the future political lean of the Wisconsin Supreme Court.