威斯康星州8月9日的初选 与宪法修正案一起决定主要竞选候选人 包括参议院和众议院席位 Wisconsin's August 9 primaries determine candidates for key races, including Senate and House seats, alongside constitutional amendments.
威斯康星州8月9日的初选 将决定关键竞选的候选人 包括共和党挑战者 参议员塔米·鲍德温 Wisconsin's state primaries on August 9 will determine candidates for key races, including the Republican challenger to Senator Tammy Baldwin. 两个美国众议院区的特权可能会影响国会的权力平衡。 Primaries in two U.S. House districts could impact Congress's balance of power. 在民主总督托尼·埃弗斯签署新的立法地图成为法律之后,目前由共和党控制的州立法机构可能会在11月进行改组。 The state legislature, currently Republican-controlled, will likely be reshaped in November after new legislative maps were signed into law by Democratic Governor Tony Evers. 旨在限制州长使用联邦资金的权力的两项宪法修正案也在选票上。 Two constitutional amendments aimed at limiting the governor's power to spend federal money are also on the ballot.