英国 NHS 将肠癌筛查年龄降低到 50 岁,使 400 多万人受益。 UK's NHS lowers bowel cancer screening age to 50, benefiting four million more people.
英国 NHS 已将肠癌筛查年龄从 60 岁降低到 50 岁,使有资格接受早期筛查的人数增加了 400 万人。 The UK's NHS has reduced the bowel cancer screening age from 60 to 50, making four million more people eligible for early screenings. 这一变化是在黛博拉·詹姆斯夫人的倡导之后进行的,她在 40 岁因病去世之前曾为减少剂量而奔走。 This change follows the advocacy of Dame Deborah James, who campaigned for the reduction before passing from the disease at age 40. 早期发现可以显着提高癌症的存活率,英国每年影响超过 44,000 人。 Early detection can significantly improve survival rates for the cancer, which affects over 44,000 people annually in the UK.