2021 USPSTF将直肠癌筛查年龄降低到45岁,原因是年轻成年人的病例增加。 2021 USPSTF lowered colorectal cancer screening age to 45 due to increasing young adult cases.
年轻成人的结肠癌病例正在增加,因此美国预防服务工作队将2021年的筛查年龄降低到45岁。 Younger adults' colorectal cancer cases are increasing, so the US Preventative Services Task Force lowered screening age to 45 in 2021. 这一变化是在较年轻的病人增加之后发生的,有些是30多岁的人。 This change comes after a rise in younger patients, some in their 30s. Dana Jones是一位年轻的癌症幸存者,他强调早期筛查、健康选择和个人倡导早期发现和治疗。 Dana Jones, a young cancer survivor, emphasizes early screenings, healthy choices, and personal advocacy for early detection and treatment.