两名孟菲斯军官在调查I -240东区撞车和逃跑事故时被一辆汽车撞伤,受伤。 Two Memphis officers were injured when hit by a car while investigating a hit-and-run crash on I-240 East.
两名孟菲斯警察于星期二清晨受伤, 一名白人Tahoe在调查I -240东区撞车事件时, 袭击了他们的警车。 Two Memphis police officers were injured early Tuesday morning when a white Tahoe struck their squad car while they were investigating a hit-and-run crash on I-240 East. 这两名警官与Tahoe司机和肇事逃逸受害者一起在非危急条件下住院。 Both officers, along with the Tahoe driver and the hit-and-run victim, were hospitalized in non-critical condition. Tahoe司机被拘留,调查仍在进行之中。 The Tahoe driver was detained, and the investigation is ongoing.