来自缅因州的3岁男孩失踪后在雪中死亡;原因正在调查中。 Three-year-old boy from Maine found dead in snow after going missing; cause under investigation.
一名来自缅因州Corinna的3岁男孩在离家失踪后于星期天在雪中被发现死亡。 A 3-year-old boy from Corinna, Maine, was found dead in the snow on Sunday after going missing from his home. 缅因州警察局和其他机构正在调查这名男孩的死亡情况。 Found by his father with injuries suggesting exposure, the boy's death is being investigated by the Maine State Police and other agencies. 尸体解剖将确定死亡的确切原因,但它似乎是一个孤立的事件,没有更广泛的公共安全关切。 An autopsy will determine the exact cause of death, but it appears to be an isolated incident with no broader public safety concerns.