5岁男孩在华盛顿特区西北地区被发现死亡;大都会警察调查。 5-year-old boy found dead in Northwest Washington, D.C.; Metropolitan Police investigating.
星期天早上在康涅狄格大道4500个街区的西北华盛顿发现一名5岁男孩死亡。 A 5-year-old boy was found dead in Northwest Washington, D.C., on Sunday morning in the 4500 block of Connecticut Avenue. 大都会警察局正在调查这一事件,但死因尚未公布。 The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating the incident, but the cause of death has not been disclosed. 调查正在进行之中,随着警察继续调查,预计将有进一步的细节。 The investigation is ongoing, and further details are expected as the police continue their inquiries.