缅因州一名 11 岁男孩在雪地摩托事故中死亡,当时他没有戴头盔。 11-year-old boy dies in snowmobile crash in Maine, not wearing a helmet.
缅因州一名 11 岁男孩在雪地摩托事故中丧生:缅因州查普曼的一名 11 岁男孩在他的雪地摩托撞入车库后死亡。 11-year-old boy dies in snowmobile crash in Maine: An 11-year-old boy from Chapman, Maine, died after his snowmobile crashed into a garage. 事故发生时,男孩正开车穿过一片田地,进入车库将雪地摩托存放在他的住所。 The boy was driving across a field and into a garage to store the snowmobile at his residence when the crash occurred. 他没有戴头盔,被宣布当场死亡。 He was not wearing a helmet and was pronounced dead at the scene. 缅因州典狱长服务部门仍在调查这起事故。 The crash remains under investigation by the Maine Warden Service.