律师警告礼品店避免征收继承税,可能会有纳税责任风险和法律问题。 Solicitor warns gifting houses to avoid inheritance tax can risk tax liabilities and legal issues.
律师警告说,向儿童赠送房屋以避免继承税可能导致重大风险。 A solicitor warns that gifting a house to children to avoid inheritance tax can lead to significant risks. 新的规则意味着继承税将适用于2027年4月起所有可转移养恤金财富,并冻结税级至2029/30年。 New rules mean inheritance tax will apply to all transferable pension wealth starting April 2027, and tax bands are frozen until 2029/30. 如果赠送者在七年内死亡,而且如果儿童离婚或面临破产,可能会引起问题,那么礼品可能要纳税。 Gifting may be subject to tax if the giver dies within seven years, and it could cause issues if children divorce or face bankruptcy. 赠送礼品还限制了缩小规模的选择,如果被视为剥夺资产,理事会可以不予理睬。 Gifting also limits downsizing options and could be ignored by councils if seen as asset deprivation. 在作出这种馈赠之前,专业建议至关重要。 Professional advice is crucial before making such gifts.