科学家研究“马西鱼”寄生虫影响澳洲沿海的黄尾金鱼。 Scientists study 'mushy fish' parasite affecting Yellowtail Kingfish off Australia's coast.
查尔斯·斯图特大学的研究人员正在研究一种寄生虫,该寄生虫在黄尾金鱼和澳大利亚沿海的其他物种中造成“马西鱼”。 Researchers at Charles Sturt University are studying a parasite causing "mushy fish" in Yellowtail Kingfish and other species off Australia's coast. 与珊瑚和水母相似的微生物寄生虫被认为在烹饪时造成组织分解,使鱼类无法食用。 The microscopic parasite, similar to corals and jellyfish, is believed to cause tissue disintegration when cooked, rendering the fish inedible. Jessica Tout-Lyon博士敦促捕猎者在项目网站上记录穆希鱼的渔获量, Dr. Jessica Tout-Lyon urges anglers to log catches of mushy fish on the project's website to track the issue's spread. 早期研究表明,即使在没有肌肉肉的鱼类中也可以检测到寄生虫,这表明存在一个更为复杂的问题。 Early studies suggest the parasite can be detected even in fish without mushy flesh, indicating a more complex problem.