不列颠哥伦比亚省报告在鳟鱼和鲑鱼体内传播旋风病,敦促采取预防措施。 British Columbia reports spread of whirling disease in trout and salmon, urging precautions.
不列颠哥伦比亚省政府发现了更多的寄生虫病例,在幼年的鳟鱼和鲑鱼体内引起旋风病。 The British Columbia government has detected more cases of a parasite causing whirling disease in young trout and salmon. 2023年9月在Yoho国家公园首次发现该疾病, 可能导致90%的幼鱼死亡, 但对人类没有风险。 First found in Yoho National Park in September 2023, the disease can decimate up to 90% of young fish but poses no risk to humans. 官员怀疑它通过人际接触从艾伯塔蔓延。 Officials suspect it spread from Alberta via human contact. 为了防止进一步蔓延,政府建议划船者和划艇者采用“清洁、排水、干燥”方法,避免在水体之间移动鱼类。 To prevent further spread, the government advises boaters and anglers to adopt the "clean, drain, dry" approach and avoid moving fish between bodies of water.