诺森伯兰70条濒临灭绝的白爪龙虾死亡 正在调查原因 70 endangered white clawed crayfish die in Northumberland, investigation ongoing for cause.
环境局正在调查8月中旬首次报告的联合王国诺森伯兰70条濒危白爪龙虾死亡事件。 The Environment Agency is investigating the deaths of 70 endangered white clawed crayfish in Northumberland, UK, first reported in mid-August. 初步测试排除了已知疾病,CEFAS正在进行进一步分析,以查明病因。 Initial tests have excluded known diseases, and further analysis by CEFAS is underway to identify the cause. 死亡似乎仅限于这一物种,对人类或宠物没有风险。 The deaths appear limited to this species, posing no risk to humans or pets. 敦促公众遵守“检查、清洁、干燥”协议,以防止潜在的感染蔓延。 The public is urged to follow the "Check, Clean, Dry" protocol to prevent potential infection spread.