一名男子在Reno市中心广场被致命刺伤,嫌疑人后来被捕。 A man was fatally stabbed in Reno's downtown City Plaza; the suspect was later arrested.
周四上午 10 点左右,一名男子在里诺市中心城市广场的 BELIEVE 标志附近被刺伤。 A man was fatally stabbed in downtown Reno at City Plaza near the BELIEVE sign on Thursday morning around 10 a.m. 嫌犯Sedrick Romero,50岁,在几条街外被捕,被控公开谋杀。 The suspect, Sedrick Romero, 50, was arrested a few blocks away and charged with open murder. 受害人被送往医院,但后来死亡。 The victim was taken to the hospital but later died. 警方证实,这一事件是孤立的,对公众没有持续的威胁。 Police confirmed the incident was isolated with no ongoing threat to the public. 受害者和嫌疑人的身份尚未公布。 The identities of the victim and suspect have not been released. 该地区仍然关闭,以便进行调查。 The area remains closed for investigation.