ProNotary 提供远程公证工具,以帮助受野火影响的社区进行恢复。 ProNotary offers remote notarization tools to aid recovery in wildfire-stricken communities.
公证处邀请企业结成伙伴,向受野火袭击的社区提供远程公证服务。 ProNotary invites businesses to partner in offering remote notarization services to communities hit by wildfires. 他们的软件为保险索赔和法律文件等任务提供了安全、远程的公证,有助于更快地恢复。 Their software allows secure, remote notarization for tasks like insurance claims and legal documents, aiding faster recovery. 该平台易于整合、可扩展,并确保合规和安全。 The platform is easy to integrate, scalable, and ensures compliance and security. 公证鼓励保险、法律、房地产和金融业参与,以支持受影响地区。 ProNotary encourages participation from insurance, legal, real estate, and financial industries to support affected areas.