安全签名报告需求增长了30%,为更好的数字公证经验添加了新的功能。 Secured Signing reports a 30% rise in demand, adding new features for a better digital notarization experience.
安全签名是数字签名和远程公证服务的一个提供者,在过去一个月中,需求增加了30%。 Secured Signing, a provider of digital signing and remote notarization services, has seen a 30% increase in demand over the past month. 该公司引入了新的特征,以提高效率、透明度和用户控制,巩固其在数字公证市场的地位。 The company has introduced new features to improve efficiency, transparency, and user control, solidifying its position in the digital notarization market. 这些强化措施旨在为公证员及其客户提供更加无缝和安全的经验。 These enhancements aim to offer a more seamless and secure experience for notaries and their clients.