警方在沃灵顿查获了21辆非法越野自行车和大麻,以遏制反社会骑车。 Police seized 21 illegal off-road bikes and cannabis in Warrington to curb anti-social riding.
沃灵顿警方查获21辆非法越野自行车和电子摩托车以及大麻, Police in Warrington seized 21 illegal off-road bikes and e-scooters, along with cannabis, during searches at two addresses as part of Operation Hard Hit. 行动针对在行人区无头盔骑车的越野自行车者造成的反社会行为。 The operation targets anti-social behavior caused by off-road bikers riding without helmets in pedestrian areas. 没有逮捕任何人,但将增加在该地区的警察存在,以阻止不安全的驾驶和抓获罪犯。 No arrests were made, but police presence in the area will be increased to deter unsafe driving and catch offenders.