英国鲁伯里警方重点打击造成反社会行为和危险的非法越野自行车。 Police in Rubery, UK, target illegal off-road bikes causing anti-social behavior and danger.
英国鲁伯里警方正在严厉打击非法越野自行车,防止其在住宅区和科夫顿公园等当地风景区造成反社会行为。 Police in Rubery, UK, are cracking down on illegal off-road bikes causing anti-social behaviour on housing estates and local beauty spots, including Cofton Park. 人们对这些自行车的危险性和鲁莽性表示担忧。 Concerns have been raised over the danger and recklessness associated with these bikes. 警察已进行了几次查获行动,并敦促居民报告任何事件或可疑活动,以帮助他们解决这一问题。 Officers have made a few seizures and are urging residents to report any incidents or suspicious activities to help them tackle the issue.