超过683名维多利亚州警察和公务员在五年内因性犯罪和家庭暴力而受到调查。 Over 683 Victoria police officers and public servants were investigated for sex crimes and family violence over five years.
在2019年至2024年期间,对超过683名维多利亚州警官和公务员进行了性犯罪和家庭暴力调查,其中269起案件涉及掠夺行为或性骚扰,185起案件涉及严重的性犯罪。 Over 683 Victoria Police officers and public servants were investigated for sex crimes and family violence between 2019 and 2024, with 269 cases involving predatory behavior or sexual harassment and 185 involving serious sexual offenses. 维多利亚州警察局局长肖恩·巴顿 (Shane Patton) 将这种情况描述为“令人震惊”。 Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton described the situation as "alarming." 为此,该部队在2021年设立了性犯罪和家庭暴力股,以处理这些问题。 In response, the force established a Sexual Offences and Family Violence Unit in 2021 to tackle these issues.