北爱尔兰私营部门的商业活动在12月急剧下降,尽管就业增长。 Northern Ireland's private sector business activity fell sharply in December, despite employment growth.
北爱尔兰私营部门的商业活动在12月急剧下降,这是一年多来首次减少。 Business activity in Northern Ireland's private sector declined sharply in December, marking the first reduction in over a year. 下降的主要原因是新订单减少和客户需求减少。 The drop was mainly due to a decrease in new orders and waning customer demand. 尽管出现下降,但就业增加,商业情绪略有改善。 Despite the decline, employment increased, and business sentiment slightly improved. 然而,由于对联合王国政府的《秋季声明》和预算问题的关切,信心仍然低于年均。 However, confidence remained lower than the yearly average, influenced by concerns about the UK Government's Autumn Statement and budget issues.