北朝鲜将短程导弹射入日本海,引发南朝鲜的警戒。 North Korea fires short-range missiles into the Sea of Japan, prompting alerts in South Korea.
据韩国军方说,北朝鲜于星期二上午发射了数枚短程弹道导弹。 North Korea launched several short-range ballistic missiles on Tuesday morning, according to South Korea's military. 据报告,这些导弹是从杰贡省Kanggye地区发射的,落在日本海。 The missiles were reportedly fired from the Kanggye area in Jagang Province and landed in the Sea of Japan. 韩国正在与美国和日本分享信息,针对发射活动保持军事准备状态。 South Korea is sharing information with the U.S. and Japan, maintaining military readiness in response to the launches.