北达科他州立法者提出法案,改变如何将石油收入分配给当地地区。 North Dakota legislators advance bill to change how oil revenue is distributed to local areas.
北达科他州立法者于1月9日提出众议院第1065号法案, 提议修改“草原狗行动”计划, North Dakota legislators advanced House Bill 1065 on January 9, proposing changes to the "Operation Prairie Dog" program, which distributes oil and gas revenue to non-oil-producing areas for infrastructure. 该法案旨在将目前城镇之间的平等分配转变为基于公路里程的公式,国家财务主任Thomas Beadle认为这一公式更为公平。 The bill aims to shift the current equal distribution among townships to a formula based on road mileage, argued by State Treasurer Thomas Beadle as more equitable. 该法案以9至3票通过了委员会,现在将进入众议院大楼。 The bill passed the committee with a 9-3 vote and will now go to the House floor.