Nokia公司提供技术,到2029年将8个新的荷兰近海风力平台与岸上电网连接起来。 Nokia supplies tech to link eight new Dutch offshore wind platforms to onshore grid by 2029.
Nokia将提供光学联网技术,将荷兰北海八个新的离岸风能平台与TenneT的岸上基础设施连接起来。 Nokia will provide optical networking technology to connect eight new offshore wind energy platforms in the Dutch North Sea to TenneT's onshore infrastructure. 其目的是支持欧洲向可再生能源的过渡,第一个平台预计将于2029年投入运行。 This aims to support Europe's transition to renewable energy, with the first platform expected to be operational by 2029. Nokia 1830 PSS DWDM解决方案将使一个具有复原力的可靠能源传输未来准备就绪网络得以建立。 The Nokia 1830 PSS DWDM solution will enable a resilient and future-ready network for reliable energy transmission.