支持先进宽带服务的中小型部署的光span MF-8纤维解决方案。 Nokia launches Lightspan MF-8 fiber solution for mid-sized deployments, supporting advanced broadband services.
诺基亚推出了Lightspan MF-8光纤解决方案, 增强其25/50/100G光纤接入组合. Nokia has launched the Lightspan MF-8 fiber solution, enhancing its 25/50/100G fiber access portfolio. 该平台支持10/25/50G和今后的100G PON服务,以满足对先进宽带日益增长的需求。 This platform supports 10/25/50G and future 100G PON services, catering to the growing demand for advanced broadband. 它设计用于中等规模部署,具有适于住宅和工业应用的高容量、可靠性和低潜伏性。 Designed for mid-sized deployments, it offers high capacity, reliability, and low latency, suitable for residential and industrial applications. MF-8具有先进的自动化功能,SDN可编程,将于10月8日至10日在巴黎的网络X会议上展示。 The MF-8 features advanced automation, is SDN-programmable, and will be showcased at the Network X convention in Paris from October 8-10.