尼日利亚立法者批评政府官员缺席重要的海关安全听证会。 Nigerian lawmakers criticize government officials' absence from a key customs security hearing.
尼日利亚立法者批评说,在海关服务现代化和边境安全措施的调查听证会上,主要政府官员没有出席。 Nigerian lawmakers criticized the absence of key government officials from an investigative hearing on the modernization of the customs service and border security measures. 听证会的重点是电子海关项目和Webb Fontaine的作用,旨在改善创收和国家安全。 The hearing, focused on the e-customs project and the role of Webb Fontaine, aimed to improve revenue generation and national security. 立法者援引宪法权力传唤官员,并警告说,如果他们不出席重新安排的听证会,将建议解除其职务。 Lawmakers cited constitutional powers to summon officials and warned of recommending their removal if they do not attend the rescheduled hearing.