尼日利亚议会下令对海关走私和滥用指控进行调查。 Nigerian parliament orders investigation into customs smuggling and abuse allegations.
尼日利亚众议院下令对尼日利亚海关对走私和虐待指控进行调查。 The Nigerian House of Representatives has ordered an investigation into the Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) over allegations of smuggling and abuse. 调查由海关和货物税及国防委员会牵头,原因是有报告说,在海关官员的监视下,通过巴达格里大规模走私汽车和大米,以及发生了对平民的残暴事件。 The investigation, led by the Committees on Customs and Excise and Defence, was prompted by reports of mass smuggling of cars and rice through Badagry under the watch of customs officers, as well as incidents of brutality against civilians. 这些委员会有六周时间进行汇报,目的是加强监督,恢复公众的信任。 The committees have six weeks to report back, aiming to enhance oversight and restore public trust.