尼日利亚立法者传唤海关首长,并威胁因退休和支付纠纷而逮捕NIMC头目。 Nigerian lawmakers summon customs chief and threaten arrest of NIMC head over retirement and payment disputes.
尼日利亚众议院公共请愿委员会已传唤尼日利亚海关总署总审计长Adewale Adeniyi于2月18日出庭,处理有关高级官员拒绝在规定日期前退休的投诉。 The Nigerian House of Representatives Committee on Public Petitions has summoned the Comptroller-General of the Nigerian Customs Service, Adewale Adeniyi, to appear on February 18 to address complaints about senior officials refusing to retire past their due dates. 此外,委员会威胁说,如果NIMC总干事Abisoye Coker-Odusote未能出庭并答复与拒绝支付Truid有限公司软件开发项目费用有关的指控,她将下令逮捕她。 Additionally, the committee threatened to order the arrest of the NIMC Director-General, Abisoye Coker-Odusote, if she fails to appear and answer charges related to refusing to pay for a software development project by Truid Limited.