新西兰的研究将儿童创伤与肥胖联系起来,突出了积极经验在减轻影响方面的作用。 New Zealand study links childhood trauma to obesity, highlights role of positive experiences in mitigation.
在新西兰,将近90%的儿童在8岁前至少面临一次创伤性事件,遭受多重创伤的儿童患肥胖症的可能性几乎高出三倍。 Nearly 90% of children in New Zealand faced at least one traumatic event by age eight, with those experiencing multiple traumas being nearly three times more likely to be obese. 研究表明,积极的经验,例如参加幼儿教育和参与丰富活动,可以减轻这一风险。 The study shows that positive experiences, such as attending early childhood education and participating in enriching activities, can mitigate this risk. 研究人员建议决策者、学校和家庭合作,为受创伤影响的儿童创造扶持环境。 Researchers recommend that policymakers, schools, and families collaborate to create supportive environments for children affected by trauma.