在奥克湾遇到一只离散狗后, 被另一个海滩观光客殴打。 Man assaulted by another beachgoer after confronting him about an off-leash dog in Oak Bay.
Oak Bay警方正在调查1月7日下午4: 30左右发生在Gyro Park与皇家维多利亚游艇俱乐部之间的海滩上的攻击事件。 一名男子在向另一个海岸行走者诉说他的离散狗后,遭到另一人多次拳击和拳打脚踢。 Oak Bay police are investigating an assault that occurred on a beach between Gyro Park and the Royal Victoria Yacht Club on January 7th around 4:30 p.m. A man was tackled and punched multiple times by another shoreline walker after addressing him about his off-leash dog. 受害者受了轻伤。 The victim suffered minor injuries. 罪犯被描述为白人男子,身着棕色头发,身高5英尺11寸,逃往Gyro公园停车场。 The offender, described as a white male, 5'11" with brown hair, fled towards Gyro Park parking lot. 警方正在寻求情报和嫌疑人的身份。 Police are seeking information and the suspect's identity.