黎巴嫩县DA发现与马里兰州嫌疑人的关联枪,2022年谋杀了13岁的Jason Rivera。 Lebanon County DA links gun found with Maryland suspect to 2022 murder of 13-year-old Jason Rivera.
黎巴嫩县地方检察官披露了2022年13岁的Jason Rivera被谋杀的未解决案件的新细节,表明该罪行可能与毒品有关。 The Lebanon County District Attorney has revealed new details in the unsolved 2022 murder of 13-year-old Jason Rivera, suggesting the crime may be drug-related. 在马里兰州D'Andre Courtez Wint手中发现枪击中使用的枪,但Wint与受害人之间没有建立直接联系。 The gun used in the shooting was found in the possession of D'Andre Courtez Wint in Maryland, but no direct connection between Wint and the victim has been established. 警方敦促任何掌握有关火器或杀人案信息的人站出来。 Police urge anyone with information on the firearm or the homicide to come forward.