警察在马里兰州劳蕾尔的一次家庭骚乱中开枪打死一名武装人员;死亡的确切原因不清楚。 Police shot and killed an armed man during a domestic disturbance in Laurel, Maryland; the exact cause of death is unclear.
警察对马里兰州劳蕾尔发生的家庭骚乱作出反应,遇到了一名武装人员,他拒绝放下武器。 Police responded to a domestic disturbance in Laurel, Maryland, where they encountered an armed man who refused to drop his weapon. 警官朝他开枪后,发现这名男子死在家中。 After officers fired at him, the man was found dead inside the home. 死亡原因不明,因为现场发现了来自不明武器的多个弹壳。 The cause of death is unclear, as multiple shell casings from an unknown weapon were found at the scene. 马里兰州总检察长独立调查司正在牵头进行调查。 The Maryland Attorney General's Independent Investigations Division is now leading the investigation.