45岁的Gianni Alaimo因家庭暴力从监狱获释,涉嫌在华盛顿Wapato射杀女友。 45-year-old Gianni Alaimo, released from jail for domestic violence, is a suspect in the shooting death of his girlfriend in Wapato, Washington.
Gianni Philip Alaimo, 45岁,是涉嫌在华盛顿Wapato枪杀其女友的嫌疑人,这发生在他因相关家庭暴力事件从监狱获释后不久。 Gianni Philip Alaimo, 45, is a suspect in the shooting death of his girlfriend in Wapato, Washington, occurring shortly after his release from jail for a related domestic violence incident. 当局在Mellis路现场发现受害人已死亡。 Authorities found the victim dead at the scene on Mellis Road. Alaimo被认为是武装和危险的,最后一次出现在2018年白色的一辆卡迪拉克XTS。 Alaimo, considered armed and dangerous, was last seen in a white 2018 Cadillac XTS. Yakima县治安官办公室正在寻找关于他下落的信息。 The Yakima County Sheriff's Office is seeking information on his whereabouts. 提示可以匿名提交。 Tips can be submitted anonymously.