科罗拉多斯普林斯的Jenkins中学由于诸如隔离墙裂缝和定居点等结构性问题必须撤离。 Jenkins Middle School in Colorado Springs must evacuate due to structural concerns like wall cracks and settlement.
科罗拉多斯普林斯的Jenkins中学由于国家调查人员查明的结构性问题,包括墙壁裂缝和重大定居点,可能面临关闭。 Jenkins Middle School in Colorado Springs faces potential closure due to structural concerns identified by state investigators, including cracks in walls and significant settlement. 学校必须在周末前撤离,除非结构分析证明学校安全。 The school must be evacuated by the end of the week unless a structural analysis proves it safe. 该区正在与工程师合作,评估该建筑的状况,确保学生的安全。 The district is working with engineers to evaluate the building's condition and ensure student safety. 预计本周会有最新情况。 Updates are expected this week.