宾夕法尼亚州夸里维尔的索兰科高中因枪击事件而关闭。 Solanco High School in Quarryville, Pennsylvania, closed due to a shooting incident.
宾夕法尼亚州夸里维尔的索兰科高中因发生涉及学校员工家的枪击事件于周二关闭。 Solanco High School in Quarryville, Pennsylvania, was closed on Tuesday after a shooting incident involving a school employee's home. 地区官员出于“谨慎考虑”关闭了学校,警方正在调查此事。 District officials closed the school out of "abundance of caution" and the police are investigating the incident. 该地区所有其他学校均照常开学。 All other schools in the district are open as usual. 学校不认为枪击事件与学校有关,但在收到更多信息之前将继续关闭。 The school does not believe the shooting is related to the school, but will remain closed until they receive more information.