东Vail附近70号州际公路将关闭,以便进行车辆回收,再绕行90分钟。 Interstate 70 near East Vail to close for vehicle recovery, adding 90 minutes to detours.
科罗拉多州交通部将于 1 月 14 日上午 9 点至下午 3 点关闭东韦尔附近的 70 号州际公路东行,以便在 1 月 8 日发生车祸后进行车辆修复。 The Colorado Department of Transportation will close eastbound Interstate 70 near East Vail on January 14 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for a vehicle recovery following a crash on January 8. 封锁要求司机绕过Leadville绕道,为旅行增加大约90分钟时间。 The closure requires drivers to detour through Leadville, adding about 90 minutes to travel time. 在这次事件中,有两人受重伤,其中一辆商用车辆越过中位线并漏出柴油燃料。 Two people were seriously injured in the incident, which involved a commercial vehicle crossing the median and leaking diesel fuel.