科罗拉多州乔治敦附近的九辆汽车坠毁 关闭了I -70 造成多人受伤 Nine-vehicle crash near Georgetown, Colorado, closes I-70, injuring multiple people.
周二,在科罗拉多州乔治敦附近的一辆半卡车 发生九辆汽车撞车事故 关闭了东行I -70 On Tuesday, a nine-vehicle crash involving a semi-truck near Georgetown, Colorado, closed eastbound I-70. 多人被送往医院,伤势轻微。 Multiple people were taken to hospitals with minor injuries. 下午晚些时候,高速公路重新开放。 The highway reopened by late afternoon. 科罗拉多州巡警正在调查事故的起因 The Colorado State Patrol is investigating the cause of the accident.