印度将安全部队扩大2 050人,以增强国家安全和创造就业。 India expands security force by 2,050 personnel to boost national security and create jobs.
印度内政部已批准为中央工业安全部队设立两个新营,增加2 050人,将总兵力增至近200 000人。 The Indian Ministry of Home Affairs has approved the creation of two new battalions for the Central Industrial Security Force, adding 2,050 personnel and increasing the total strength to nearly 200,000. 这一扩大的目的是加强国家安全和快速反应能力,同时减少对现有人员的压力,创造2 000多个就业机会。 This expansion aims to enhance national security and rapid response capabilities, while also reducing stress on existing personnel and generating over 2,000 jobs. 新的各营对于管理高度安全设施和关键基础设施至关重要。 The new battalions will be crucial for managing high-security facilities and critical infrastructure.