印度安全部队在哈里亚纳成立第一支女性营, 加强德里地区的安全. CISF establishes first women's battalion in Haryana to boost security in Delhi region.
中央工业安全部队(CISF)正在哈里亚纳邦努赫设立第一个妇女后备营,新增1 025个职位,由内政部批准。 The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) is setting up its first women's reserve battalion in Nuh, Haryana, with 1,025 new positions approved by the Ministry of Home Affairs. 这一举措旨在满足德里国家首都地区高度安全地区,包括英迪拉·甘地国际机场和议会大楼内对女性人员日益增长的需求。 This move aims to meet the growing demand for women personnel in high-security areas in the Delhi National Capital Region, including the Indira Gandhi International Airport and Parliament House Complex. 该营将配备现代安全工具,驻扎在已搬迁的第一后备营附近,从而提高独联体部队的行动效率和准备状态。 The battalion will be equipped with modern security tools and located near the relocated 1st Reserve Battalion, enhancing CISF's operational efficiency and readiness.