从2025年开始,印度的国防首长 将拥有ADC的工作人员 来自其他部门 以促进军队之间的合作。 Starting 2025, India's defense chiefs will have ADC staff from other services to boost inter-military cooperation.
从1月1日开始, 印度国防首长将接受姊妹服务部的Aide-de-Camp(ADC)工作人员, Starting January 1, India's defense chiefs will receive their Aide-de-Camp (ADC) staff from sister services, marking a move towards deeper integration and inter-service cooperation. 这一改变是印度更广泛改革努力的一部分,包括人力资源改革和在国防事务职员学院设立一个特别联合司,以改进联合行动和为今后冲突作准备。 This change is part of India’s broader reform efforts, including HR reforms and the creation of a special joint division at the Defence Services Staff College to improve joint operations and prepare for future conflicts. 这一转变的目的是加强各军种之间的了解并使军队现代化。 The shift aims to strengthen inter-service understanding and modernize the military.