ICE在一天之内的商品贸易量创下最高记录,表明市场活动增加。 ICE records highest commodities trading volume in a single day, signaling increased market activity.
洲际交易所(ICE)一天的商品贸易量创下了最高纪录,标志着一个重要的里程碑。 Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) recorded its highest commodities trading volume in a single day, marking a significant milestone. 这种贸易活动的激增表明市场波动加剧或投资者对石油、天然气和金属等商品的兴趣增加。 This surge in trading activity suggests increased market volatility or investor interest in commodities like oil, gas, and metals. 数量大的确切原因没有具体说明,但它反映了全球商品市场的动态性质。 The exact reasons for the high volume are not specified, but it reflects the dynamic nature of global commodity markets.