国际国债ETF和其他ETF交易量有所增加. iShares International Treasury Bond ETF and other iShares ETFs see increased trading volume.
国际国债ETF (IGOV) 交易量异常高,反映了投资者兴趣的增加. The iShares International Treasury Bond ETF (IGOV) has experienced unusually high trading volume, reflecting increased investor interest. 其他的ishares ETF,包括侧重于美国基本材料、ESG债券、美国股本和全球基础设施的ishares ETF,也出现了强劲的贸易活动。 Other iShares ETFs, including those focused on U.S. basic materials, ESG bonds, U.S. equity, and global infrastructure, have also seen strong trading activity. 这一趋势可能表明贸易商的市场情绪或投资战略发生变化。 This trend may indicate shifts in market sentiment or investment strategies among traders.