广岛县在2018年洪水后免费测试井水, 帮助灾民恢复, 树立了灾难应对的典范. Hiroshima Prefecture's free well water testing post-2018 floods aids recovery, setting a disaster response example.
在2018年日本西部洪灾发生后,广岛县与地方组织合作,为水井提供免费水质测试,协助恢复供水。 In the aftermath of the 2018 west Japan floods, Hiroshima Prefecture collaborated with local organizations to offer free water quality testing for wells, aiding in the recovery of the water supply. Takahiro Endo教授的研究突出表明,作为适应性治理的一部分,这项举措如何帮助重新开放水井供公众使用,为其他地方的救灾工作树立了榜样。 Professor Takahiro Endo's study highlights how this initiative, part of adaptive governance, helped reopen wells for public use, offering a model for disaster response in other localities.